What If?
Hossca Harrison
What if everything you were ever taught about Earth’s human history and all of its civilizations never existed? What you are aware of is what you experienced first hand. The rest you read in books, taught by Hollywood, or were passed down from generation to generation.
What if your hopes and dreams are based on an illusion your society deems to be the truth?
Jonah has been teaching about the What If Syndrome for almost 40 years. What is it about this teaching that has an effect on our minds, subconsciousness, and emotions? What if some of the inner dreams you see and feel of ancient cultures is an experience still living inside of you? What if many dreams and visions have been shattered because you read or have been told they never existed?
What if the greatest and most beautiful mysteries of humankind were polluted and thrown into the trash bin of history by the Elite?
What if the Elite use social engineering to teach our children to ridicule stories of the ancient past as fables and told to believe they are fairytales?
What if the forbidden fruit is a lie? What if true intelligence is inadmissible in the court of public opinion, a court dominated by the Elite?
What if one’s journey through life the soul will come upon a yearning, a remembering so deep a flame cannot burn it out of existence, a yearning no human intellect can destroy?
We are in a new age of deep searching and questioning the secrets of governments and religions. What if this New Age is for the personal self to follow their inner visions they have carried, not just of this life but also inner visions from authentic ancient times? Not ancient times written in history books endorsed by the Elite, social media, or Hollywood, which are often the same, but ancient times written in your soul.
What if, in our recorded history, most life was based on ignorance? We have been told what to believe by kings, queens, dictators, and presidents. We are told what is true, who to give loyalty to, who to obey. Now we have the Internet, the most significant volume of information ever available to humanity in recorded history. But is this information correct, lies, a mixture of both, or merely social engineering?
What if a Baptist minister wrote the Pledge of Allegiance for the United States for the 1893 World’s Columbian Exposition in Chicago to honor Columbus’s 400th anniversary in 1492? One of the most vicious mass murders in recorded history.
What if James B. Upham, nephew of Daniel Sharp Ford, publisher of a children’s magazine called “The Youth’s Companion,” promoted the Pledge of Allegiance to sell flags to every classroom in every school in the United States to increase profits for flag sales?
The Pledge of Allegiance has been changed over the years. In 1954 President Eisenhower signed a proclamation adding the phrase “under God.” The Christian God? Perhaps the ancient Greek Gods, Apollo, Zeus, Hermes, maybe even Atlas. I would put my money; its purpose was to promote the Christian God.
What about our human body? How aware are we? We have power over our evolution, but do we direct our evolution to the beliefs we carry based on what the Elite, social acceptance have taught us? How indoctrinated have we become? When you repeat a pledge, any pledge every day, how ingrained does it become in our body? How aware are we of what we accept as truth versus non-truth? How far have we traveled from our soul roots? How many will become angry if the Pledge of Allegiance is not honored as patriotic?
How many genes are in our bodies that are turned off? What if some humans are born with tails because a gene was turned on? What if some humans are born with webbing between their fingers and toes because a gene is turned on?
OK, these are rare examples, but what about the buried memories of our ancestors from a million years ago, a hundred million years ago, what about 300 million years ago? What if there have been ancient cultures where humans had tails or ancient cultures where humans were mermaids?
What if, as I wrote earlier, on one’s journey through life, the soul will come upon a yearning a remembering so deep a flame cannot burn it out of existence, a longing no human intellect can destroy? What if you are such a person? Will that make you a candidate for AI programming?
How many carry a deep yearning of returning to a home of love, peace, and universal tranquility. Yet, they deny its existence because you were programmed to believe and be obedient to the powers that control the world?
Some scientists state we are not 100% human because the human body contains many nonhuman cells. What if some scientists are confused because they set their standard from humans of today? What if some scientists do not amalgamate human cells of forgotten cultures, histories, different human species, or other planetary systems simply because they have forgotten the ancient histories?
What about the genes of disease? The World Health Organization states, “Monogenic diseases result from modifications in a single gene occurring in all cells of the body. Though relatively rare, they affect millions of people worldwide. Scientists currently estimate that over 10,000 human diseases are known to be monogenic. A single error causes pure genetic diseases in a single gene in the human DNA. The nature of disease depends on the functions performed by the modified gene.”
How does this occur? What if the inheritance of Atlantis used gene splicing with different species resulting in harmful gene mutations occurring today? Many forget Atlantis existed for a very long time, many thousands of years. This explains why some teach of the spiritually evolved Atlantis, and the mentally evolved Atlanteans, which lacked wisdom. You cannot say the United States of the past is the same country today. They are both very different countries, but with the same name and land location.
Jonah has stated many times the United States is the rebirth, the raising of Atlantis. We are moving into the future of Artificial Intelligence (AI) now. Atlantis used AI, and it destroyed not only their culture, but it also destroyed their home. We are at the threshold of using this same technology. AI will be presented as a savior for humanity, just as it was in Atlantis.
You will be reading headlines from Elite controlled media making such statements as superhuman; chips inserted in the brain will give us mind-blowing abilities. People will be able to buy new memories and delete unwanted ones by biohacking the body’s most powerful tool, the human brain. CNN and Fox News will offer daily propaganda encouraging AI support to control and end your disease, allowing AI to take charge of your body, thoughts, and emotions. Finally, AI will create world peace; the savior has arrived. The headlines will go on and on with a systematic effort to manipulate people’s beliefs and attitudes.
What about the AI today operating under the surface affecting our thoughts, emotions, and desires? What if many are beginning to remember their life, thoughts, emotions, and deep love they held from ancient cultures beyond recorded history in this New Age? Could this be a threat to the Elite? I would say so.