Highway To Hell Is Paved In Gold
Hossca Harrison
Heaven and hell, two of the most talked about subjects in our world today and centuries past. Jonah teaches heaven and hell are states of consciousness, not geographical locations. Look at the consciousness of our world today; ask yourself how many live in the consciousness of hell, how many live in the consciousness of heaven? How many choose to live versus surviving? Out of seven and a half billion people on earth today, how many do you feel experience in the consciousness of hell? In constant pain, people who are depressed, broken relationships with mates, children, and parents, fighting disease, dying an early death hoping they will go to heaven.
There are many different levels of consciousness of heaven and the consciousness of hell. The consciousness of heaven and hell not only applies to people living in the physical, but it also applies to people living in the non-physical. Our reality is what we make it and or how we choose to keep it.
How many are willing to sell their soul? Jonah did a message on this subject some years ago, “Are Ye Selling Your Soul” available on www.Jonahlifestore.com.
How many individuals are willing to sell the soul of their children?
How many communities are willing to sell the soul of their children?
How many are selling the souls of our children for an ounce of gold?
How many carry the consciousness of man’s inhumanity to man, or man’s inhumanity to children in our world today? How many are willing to sell our children into the lower depths of hell for an ounce of gold?
The highway to hell is paved in gold because many are making money selling children’s souls into the consciousness of hell. It reminds me of the song by the Gatlin Brothers in 1979, “All the gold in California is in the bank in the middle of Beverly Hills in somebody else’s name.”
Just who are the owners of all this gold (money)? What did they do to obtain it? Most importantly, whom did they send to hell to gain their riches?
Although I am writing about children here, it also includes many adults who sell their souls daily into hell’s consciousness. The consciousness of survival is also a consciousness of hell, perhaps not a lower hell, but nonetheless, the consciousness of hell.
How many work as a slave attempting to survive? Has this not become an accepted level of consciousness in our world? We are taught from childhood we must survive. It is a part of the genetic consciousness, which our ancestors invested in their future generations.
Could this be why the majority of the human family choose to look the other way when our children, humanity’s children, are sold for an ounce of gold into slavery, including sexual slavery?
Take a look at child sex slavery in Haiti, but first, take a look at the well-dressed men with an appetite for child sex. Who are they? According to a madam who controls some of the children, many of their customers are western humanitarian workers who’ve come to help rebuild Haiti after a recent run of natural disasters. This includes missionaries, church aid workers, and U.N. peacekeepers, which have been implicated and charged in child sex slavery. The Christian Bible supports slavery. Is it any wonder many Bible thumping men have been involved in abusing many of these children in Haiti, indeed around the world?
Who is behind this? There are estimated to be 46 million slaves (some estimate 40 million, some estimate 60 million) worldwide, generating $150 billion annually. That is a lot of gold. We watch people in the news who have been captured running child sex slave rings; they look like your average person, not someone who is making millions off the sex trade. Who are these people who supply their labor to the sex traffickers? Why are the traffickers sheltered from public view? How many of these are billionaires, politicians, and religious leaders? Yes, we can look at a few in this category, such as Jeffrey Epstein, a billionaire. He is close friends with Donald Trump and Bill Clinton and was arrested for running a sex-trafficking ring. We could look at Judge Timothy Nolan, who pleaded guilty to human trafficking and other felony sex crimes involving minors, or Oklahoma state senator Ralph Shortey who pleaded guilty to child sex trafficking. The list can go on and on. You will not find many people in the public eye who control most of the $150 billion annually made off of slavery.
They are well hidden and protected, such as the late British Prime Minister Sir Edward Heath. He is now being investigated for child sex abuse and his friend, the late Jimmy Savile, who was deeply involved in the child sex trade. Perhaps it is too late to fully undercover the allegations against former Prime Minister Heath, linked to a murderous pedophile ring that killed 16 children.
Why have such atrocities continued to exist in our world? I think the above is but a small example of why. It is very wealthy men, the Elite, royalty, and positions of political and religious power in countries around the world that allow this to continue. It has remained for thousands of years. One hundred fifty billion dollars is more than many countries’ GDP.
The wealthy collect the gold. The children go to hell. What can be done about this?
The late Leo Buscaglia, also was known as “Dr. Love,” was an American author and motivational speaker and a professor in the Department of Special Education at the University of Southern California. He once stated; “Don’t waste your precious time asking, Why isn’t the world a better place? It will only be time wasted. The question to ask is, ‘How can I make it better?’ To that, there is an answer.”
Lobby local politicians who are not on the payroll of the wealthy or Elite.
Hold events to raise awareness; this is happening in your backyard.
Do your research projects.
If you are hunting for a job, search at an anti-trafficking organization.
Avoid products and companies that facilitate human trafficking.
Be willing to use civil disobedience. Remember, African Americans and women would never have been allowed to vote if it were not for civil disobedience.
Indeed, not all slaves are children or sexual slaves. The definition of slavery has many different interpretations around the world, such as forced labor, debt bondage, domestic servitude, forced child labor, recruitment of child soldiers, and forced marriages, to name a few.
How many are aware that slavery is still legal in the United States? Some think the 13th Amendment ended slavery, but if you read it and then search how this is used, you will find slavery is still legal. The 13th Amendment, as enacted, reads, “Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.”
One such example of slave trading in the United States is Corrections Corporation of America and the GEO Group. These corporations are buying prisons to use slave labor. This modern day slavery is even listed on the New York Stock Exchange. To ensure their profitability, the corporation insists that it be guaranteed the prisons be kept at least 90 percent full. These prisoners are mostly African American males, of which most are in prisons for minor drug offenses, such as marijuana.
Research which politicians support private prisons, and you have found true-blooded racists who promote the consciousness of hell. They must be educated, or at least their children must be educated.
Is it any wonder Corrections Corporation of America and GEO Group fight the legalization of marijuana? Not just Corrections Corporation of America and GEO Group oppose the legalization of marijuana, but alcohol and beer companies, police unions, prison guard unions, and pharmaceutical corporations fight it as well. Fighting legalization of marijuana is not a moral issue, but rather a corporate profit issue.
Americans stand by and say out of sight, out of mind. These African Americans are modern-day slaves, and their labor is being traded on the New York Stock Exchange. This is hell!
It reminds me of Ota Benga, a young Congo pygmy who was married and started a family when King Leopold’s Force Publique slaughtered his village leaving only himself to survive. King Leopold murdered over 8 million in the Congo, one of many holocausts throughout history. Ota was captured, sold into slavery, and bought for $5.00 by an American Presbyterian minister from South Carolina, named Samuel Phillips Verner. He was in Africa looking for pygmies to display at the 1904 St. Louis World’s Fair. Verner was paid $500.00 with an $8,000.00 expense account and a letter of recommendation from John Hay, the U.S. secretary of state at the time.
When Ota arrived in St. Louis, he was put in the anthropology exhibit, next to a group of Native Americans that included the legendary Geronimo, who was a prisoner of the American government. Ota’s story is long and involved, including being put in a cage with apes at the Bronz Zoo in 1906, which was supported by New York City Mayor George McClellan Jr. and the New York Times. It was a financial success attracting crowds of up to 40,000 people a day watching the pygmy live with the apes. This is the consciousness of hell approved and supported by the mayor and the New York Times. At age 32, Ota Benga killed himself while being held against his will and not allowed to return to his homeland, the epitome of colonial avarice. That which was is until understood and healed. This took place 114 years ago; the understanding still has not been impregnated in the human mass consciousness.
Today, how different is it with so many young African American males in private prisons, not so much on display, but indeed being forced into hard labor to make their owners more wealth.
Most of the world’s seven and a half billion people are like sheep; they follow their shepherd, not their heart. One thing to ponder, in the end, it is the shepherd who eats the sheep, not the wolf.