The Love that Shatters
Hossca Harrison
The love that shatters is the most powerful love of all. My friend, the late John Denver, who died nineteen years ago, came to mind recently when I dreamt about writing this message. In 1990 Rebecca and I were visiting John and Cassandra Denver at their home in Aspen, Colorado. John was preparing to release his newest song, “The Flower that Shattered the Stone.”
After dinner, we had a few tequila shots when he asked me if I would go upstairs to his studio and listen to this newest song. The music, the words seemed to burn into my consciousness as I sat there with John in his studio listening. After the song was completed, John looked at me and asked, “Hossca, what do you feel about this song?”
I sat there for a moment thinking of so many things to say, when I looked him in the eye and said, “The love that shatters is the most powerful love of all.” I explained when the illusion is shattered. We can begin seeing through the illusion, knowing we can love and be loved, regardless of the pain and suffering we have experienced in our life.
He looked at me for a moment, tears started coming to his eyes, and he said, “Hossca, that is the most beautiful thing anyone has said about this song, far out.”
The love that “shatters,” which can carry many definitions. How many believe they must protect themselves from shattering, shattering their emotions, minds, beliefs, reality, or even their body? It reminds me of back in the Middle Ages of Europe. Some had a psychiatric disorder called glass delusion. Some people feared they were made of glass and could shatter into a thousand pieces. Perhaps the best-known person who held this delusion was King Charles VI of France. He refused to allow anyone to touch him; he even wore reinforced clothing to prevent accidental shattering.
Many feel love, but feeling love is different than practicing love. Practicing love is putting love in action, spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical action.
Jonah made a statement some time ago, stating, “Love is not an option; it surrounds ye whether ye accept it or not.”
Love is an action that pierces adversity.
Many talk about love. Millions of books, songs, and poems have been written about love, including philosophers throughout the ages who have taught us about love, but is the world any closer to love? Are countries any closer to love? Are there any religions closer to love? When we talk about love, we must also include world peace in our dialogues because if we had world peace, we would have love, if we had love, we would have world peace. But are we not just as far away from world peace as we were during the Mesopotamian Civilization, Ancient Egyptians, Mayan, Chinese, Greek, Persian, or Roman Empires?
When it comes to love, talk is cheap. Action is priceless.
Shattering the stone is about the love of children, loving the earth. But to love the earth, one must love self. Shattering the hardened consciousness that believes love is elusive, painful, or entirely out of reach. What does it take to shatter our illusion about ourselves?
Real love becomes elusive when we attempt to protect ourselves from something that usually happens in our perceived past. When we continue that protection from our past, love often becomes deceptive and often projects the deception onto others, creating even more pain.
Why do humans often do the exact opposite of what is needed to experience real love?
Because many believe out of fear, protection is more important than allowing love, allowing self to be loved. Many try to negotiate love, and what a mess it becomes. What does a child learn from angry parents who decided to divorce? They usually learn to believe they are the cause of the divorce, or they are taught by example one or both parents do not love them. When a child learns a belief, for whatever reason, they are not lovable, and they attempt to criticize themselves, preventing experiences of true love. They often end up in multiple relationships, each ending in pain. With each painful encounter, the mind sets up a wall of protection, attempting to protect themselves from further harm, not realizing they are also protecting themself from love.
Shattering the illusion is a choice; living old age beliefs is a choice; accepting we are surrounded by love is a choice. We have easy choices and convoluted choices. In our societies, which teach to empower survival, empower giving our power away for self-security, and accept the reality that true love is elusive, we often turn to convoluted choices. We develop the belief that easy choices are, in fact, elusive when in truth, they are not.
Children who develop painful beliefs are more likely to live life searching for someone to come to their rescue. The rescue is often a relationship that is not balanced, causing much pain and suffering for both involved.
To be rescued, saved is a potent marketing tool in our world. Our minds are assaulted daily with marketing from the corporate world. I typed into Google “how to be saved,” it took 0.48 seconds to come up with 71,700,000 sites. People who have issues with loving themselves look outside of themselves to be rescued and or saved. Have you ever wondered why the world’s end is so popular with religion and many New Age teachings? Just for the fun of it, I also typed into Google “end of the world.” It took 1.57 seconds to come up with, get this, 1,490,000,000. That is almost a billion and a half sites, just about the end of the world. Jonah calls this “The Marketing of Armageddon.”
If humanity loved themselves and created loving relationships with family, friends, and lovers, how many of these end of the world sites would collapse due to lack of support?
Your love is the power to shatter the stone. Your love is the power to shatter the illusion you are not loved. Do not see love as merely a feeling; use love as an action. Do not see yourself as made of glass, but rather see yourself as unconditional love, a part of God, the essence that permeates all that is, which includes you.