Link of Destruction
Hossca Harrison
Many years ago, over thirty years ago, I introduced the issue of Cording. Some years later, when I established my school, Life Energy Flow Tai Yi School of Healing, I began talking about Cording to my students. At that time, people became interested and started talking about Cording, although I had been removing cords since 1982. As usual, misinformation begins to form. A few years later, I taught how to remove major and minor cords affecting much of our population. As more and more people became aware of what I began talking about since 1982, it became distorted. For years before the Internet, I would go to libraries and bookshops looking up information on Cording. The real name for this energy is called Funiculus; I could not find any. I changed the name from Funiculus to Cord, only for an easier understanding, with my teacher’s blessing.
I am now finding people on the Internet trying to teach about Cording, yet have no understanding of what a cord is or how it is attached. Some say all you have to do is call on a mystical being with a flaming blue sword to come and cut it off. Even if there were a cord-cutting magical being with a flaming sword, cutting it off will not remove it. A cord has a defense mechanism, such as a lizard with its tails. It only comes back because it is rooted deep in the meridian system with tentacles. For more information on Cording, please read my article I wrote some years ago at
I have recently introduced the issue of links to my students. Jonah also addressed this issue recently in Athens, Greece. My students have requested I write about links now, to help prevent the problem from becoming polluted as the subject of cords has. I have written below my talk to the Life Energy Flow Tai Yi School of Healing students, with their questions on “The Link of Destruction.”
Link Of Destruction – Class Questions
Link of Destruction is an energetic link attached from a nonphysical, sometimes physical, to the Cerebellum and into the Temporal lobe of the brain. This allows the nonphysical to have a direct link to influence your thoughts, desires, and fears. This is done through the synapse, the chemical communication of neurons.
A Link is often challenging to see, even if you can see energy. It is not like a cord, but instead a tiny patch one-half inch by one-half inch attached to the back of the skull, within the skin, usually on the right-rear part of the skull, sometimes the left. The thickness is about the same as a strand of hair.
How many recall the last time they had a conversation going on in their mind? All people talk to themselves, not necessarily verbally but mentally inside of their minds. With a link, sometimes there is confusion, are you talking to yourself or is someone else talking to you? The link is not unlike a computer chip. It is a link that transmits signals from whomever.
This was a rare phenomenon until the BBB (Brain Blood Barrier) became weakened in most humans. This has occurred due to the high level of pollution from chemtrails, GMO Food, and toxic fertilizer soaked within virtually everything we eat.
As the immune system continues its downward spiral, these types of issues will continue to haunt humanity.
The following is a question and answer about the Link of Destruction I had with my students.
Q. Is it similar to a cord in that it’s some other entity attempting to get something from us?
A. In a way, yes. The sender is usually someone that wants attention and recognition. So they get that recognition and attention through a link. It could be someone angry, meaning a nonphysical person is angry with you because of perhaps what you did or did not do, if you knew that person before they passed. Unlike a cord, people can be corded and not have a relationship with the Cording one.
It was very rare this would occur. But our brains have been altered by chemtrails, GMO foods, fertilizers, toxic water, and toxic food, which makes the Cerebellum much more susceptible. The brain’s immune system has decreased worldwide because of the chemicals and toxins that are now being used. In my opinion, this is deliberate, and it makes the brain much easier to control.
Q. Is a link always someone you have an intimate relationship with or had at some point, or could it be a casual relationship, an emotional, or a mental relationship?
A. Certainly intimate, but you can have a biological father as someone you barely knew because they weren’t around. That could be under intimate because there was a strong genetic relationship. I wouldn’t say a requirement of intimate, no, but indeed links from intimate relationships would occur more often. Intimate does not mean sexual within this context.
Q. What are we likely to feel if we have a link?
A. A lot of times, it is an itching sensation, and people tend to scratch it unconsciously.
Q. Is this link placed physically by the sender?
A. Yes, and it is because the receiver is receptive. Due to their brain’s immune system being depleted. Another thing that weakens the brain is somebody that’s continuously worrying, a constant state of fear, constant agitation. There is some drama occurring continually in his or her life.
Q. Once it’s removed, what prevents it from coming back?
A. The treatment, Link of Destruction, also strengthens the immune system on the brain. It is similar to a cord in that manner, you can remove a cord, but if the person doesn’t create change, it will come back on.
Q. Can someone have more than one link?
A. It is a rarity, but yes. It is not rare for one to have one link with a group of non physicals, each passing on their influence.
Q. Is there a connection between brain links and schizophrenia?
A. If you want to say actual schizophrenia is a mental disorder, a brain disorder can easily be diagnosed in terms of the brain’s different functions. One with schizophrenia can hear many other voices. One of the differences is if one has a link, the brain interprets the voices it hears as their own, so it’s not widely different than their internal voice. Versus people with schizophrenia tend to take on mental voices that are vastly different and sometimes opposed.
Q. What if someone is an addict? Is he or she more likely to have a link?
A. They are more likely to be corded. It goes into the meridians with tentacles with a cord, so they get a different physical sensation.
Q. Does the government know how to create these links?
A. Some do.
Q. What’s the difference between an implant and a link?
A. Implants are usually from the grays, but it can be other ETs. But that is more of an ET phenomenon that occurs with people that have been abducted. There are Tai Yi treatments that will remove an implant.
Q. What percentage of the population would you say have a link now?
A. I would say about a third worldwide, but probably more than a third in the US and Europe. At one time, it wasn’t easy to achieve by the one attaching the link. You had to know what you were doing. Now that the (BBB) blood-brain barrier has been weakened due to GMOs, toxic water, and food, it is easier to attach a link.
Q. Can this ever be positive where an entity creates a link to give positive information?
A. Not through a link, never.
Q. During the three parts of the Link of Destruction, in between the parts, can you tell us what they might be experiencing? I experienced anger.
A. You know, if you take something away from someone, even if they obtained it illegally, there is usually going to be anger involved. So yes, there is going to be anger. There is also going to be last-minute grasping of energy to where you might hear a lot of messages such as, don’t do this, this is ridiculous, don’t go back for part two of Link of Destruction, definitely not for number three, you don’t need this, it’s only my inner voice, nothing’s going on. You are going to hear a lot of chitchats. You are going to experience different levels of anger. Something that has been in control is now being taken out of control, and whenever you have this issue, anger is involved.
Q. How does the link move through the brain?
A. Through the chemicals that transmit messages, the neurotransmitters. The link is fully released on part three of the treatment. After part one, it is weakened. After part two, it is weakened more. During part three, it is fully released.
Q. After part one, will the person who created the link know it is being released?
A. That is what I was describing, usually the person that is doing the link, yes. They become angered; they are losing control over the person.
I have also talked a lot about fat, good fat, organic butter, which is good fat, but there are many other types of good fats one can research. The brain has to have fat, or it is not going to function correctly. The brain can be filled with many different beliefs and thought projections. When one has a starving brain, whether starving from a lack of amino acids, or a lack of good fats within the diet, it becomes much easier to attach the link.
The psychology of healing can be summed up in one word, change. Every change one goes through allows disruption to occur.
Q. Can a link become a cord?
A. They are very different energies in how they are attached. The link itself will not become a cord, but whoever is doing the link certainly could attempt to cord a person.
Q. Can you heal the link or cord without having Tai Yi?
A. Yes. It is like a cord. You can heal a cord without having Tai Yi done. The way you do this is, whatever is connecting that entity to you, stop doing it. And they let go. They let go of the cord. Use an alcoholic; the entity is corded to you to get high off the alcohol. You stop the alcohol; they cannot get high. They are going to release and go somewhere else. The entity will know change is coming, and they will try to influence you to keep drinking, so they can continue to get their high. This makes it very difficult for a person to stop drinking. Tai Yi assists by removing the cord and the influence, and then they only have themselves to deal with the choice. This is the same with a link. When you meditate and identify what messages are being transmitted through that link and make a conscious choice, I refuse to accept you. I refuse to accept these messages that are coming from the link, and it begins to dissipate. These messages will increase, and again this is where Tai Yi comes in as a tool to assist. A cord has tentacles that insert themselves into the meridian system. This is why merely cutting off a cord will never remove a cord. A link does not have tentacles as a cord does.
Q. Is it like healing the core belief?
A. Similar, but the core belief is your belief.
Q. How long have people usually had a link?
A. It could be yesterday; it could be several years ago, it could have been from childhood. Again, this is a relatively new issue that is beginning to emerge because of the weakness of the brain’s immune system.
Q. So could a link attach in the sleep state?
A. It usually occurs when someone has had some outbursts, such as a significant emotional disturbance or some deep disappointment, something that is jarring or shocking. When that happens, your brain’s immune system takes a dive.
Q. If the energy that the link is projecting is jealousy, how can you refuse that energy, reject that message?
A. By tuning into it. If you have a link, tune into what messages are contrary to what you feel in your heart. What do you feel you need to do in your heart?
Q. People with links; would you feel physical pain or physical sensations?
A. People with links tend to scratch that area. It is usually an itch occurring on the left lower back part of the skull.
Q. Can a link have the same degree of destructive tendency as a cord?
A. A cord will usually have more power to it. The link attempts to persuade, and a cord attempts to control.
Q. Why does someone leave himself or herself open to a link?
A. The depletion of the brain’s immune system is the primary reason. Jonah spoke in a prior Intensive the (BBB) blood-brain barrier weakening due to drugs and Glyphosate by Monsanto, which breaks down the (BBB) blood-brain barrier. Anyone with a robust immune system on all levels, mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual, cannot be corded or attract a link.
In my years of counseling couples, I have found many couples whose relationships have devolved into bitter pain will usually have one in the relationship with an attached cord, link, or implant. Often I have been asked the question; which one in the relationship usually has the cord, link, or implant? My answer to them, the one who sees himself or herself as a victim of their relationship, is typically the one with the greatest need to heal and remove their cord, link, or implant.
If one in a relationship has a cord, link, or implant, it is no longer a couple but rather a threesome. This certainly adds many issues of destruction to a relationship.