When In Doubt, Eat A Peach
All that exists is energy. All energy carries consciousness. Those who have studied Jonah’s teachings over the last 40 years will remember Jonah giving this statement often.
What does it mean energy carries consciousness? Does that energy from wherever carry consciousness throughout your body, mind, emotions, and yes, your physical brain? We live in a world of deception. How do we know if the energy we absorb from our reality is ours or some energy we picked up along the way?
Take GMO food, for example, now called Bioengineered Foods (BE). It carries energy, the energy of consciousness. What does the consciousness of GMO food do to our body, our brain, and our mind? Is our body strong enough to transcend this consciousness? Does the altered DNA in GMO food have any impact on our DNA? What about drugs, heroin, cocaine, methamphetamine, LSD, or phencyclidine? Do these illegal drugs and many legal drugs have any impact on our DNA? Does changing our DNA affect our consciousness? If it does affect our consciousness, are we aware our consciousness has been affected?
Some years ago, I remembered a young man who came to Jonah on occasion over the years. One day he arrived for another session with Jonah. I immediately noticed a distinct change in his personality. He was very sullen, depressed, and angry. His thinking process became very contemptuous. I asked him what changed? “Nothing,” he replied. I could see he was honest with his belief, and he did not notice his personality changing. He did say other people had asked him the same question, but he insisted nothing had changed. During his session, Jonah shared he was having a severe reaction to his doctor’s new medication. Jonah recommended he talk with his doctor about the changes. I never heard back from him, but I did hear from his friends he committed suicide a few years later.
The point to ponder is, how does the consciousness of energy change who we are? Are we aware of these changes? Are the changes helpful or hurtful to our physical, emotional, and mental bodies?
Have you been eating GMO food, taken drugs, legal, illegal, or experimental? Has it changed your personality, your outlook on life, and your relationships? But then, how does one know if there have been subtle changes in your personality. Do you get angrier, depressed, have pains in your body you did not have before?
When in doubt, eat a peach.
As Jonah would say, “Well, for goodness sakes.” So what the hell does a peach have to do with discovering changes in your personality?
I was reviewing my notes from my book in progress, “Walking with a Master.” I had come across a section I had written but had forgotten, a teaching from the Chinese Master about peaches. But first, a little history about peaches.
More recent evidence indicates that domestication of peaches occurred as early as 8,000 years ago in the Zhejiang Province of China. My teacher states the peach is much older than this and is one of the few fruits that have continued to exist since ancient times.
In the 1980s, a Chinese fruit survey team found a peach tree in Tibet with a 30-foot circumference, 65 feet tall, and estimated 1000 years old! Can you imagine the DNA of those peaches and the consciousness you would place in your body?
My teacher of Tai Yi would occasionally say, when in doubt, eat a peach. Why? Because you are absorbing the nutrients of the peach, the consciousness of a peach carries a very soothing and healing consciousness. It also gives you time to search what you were doubting, as you become grounded in the beauty of life.
Will a peach heal your consciousness? Will it heal the negative change of your personality? No, but eating organic, non GMO fruit especially ancient fruit will certainly assist your mental and emotional bodies to recognize the changes that have occurred from putting toxins in your body. When you eat the fruit take the time to smell it, breathe deeply and feel the energy your body is absorbing from the fruit, if allowed it awakens the consciousness, the mind, and the heart.
If your consciousness has changed due to an artificial substance placed in your body, allow yourself to understand that your consciousness does not change immediately but gradually. One becomes angrier, temperamental, and expresses more judgment of others as toxins change your DNA.
Can one eat other foods and receive the benefits of its consciousness? Yes, indeed. I speak of the peach because of my many loving memories sitting with my teacher on a grassy hill while I enjoyed a peach from his garden.